Lower Mangapiko Streamcare

The Lower Mangapiko Streamcare Group is a great example of a group that has involved a variety of others with their riparian planting. Work first began on the stream in 2006 and now 34km out of a possible 41km (both sides of stream) has been restored.

The clearing, fencing and planting on the stream bank begins at Racecourse Road in Te Awamutu and runs through to Pirongia. The group’s vision is for all community members living within the Mangapiko Catchment to care about, and actively participate in the restoration, enhancement and protection of their local stream environment.

The group’s community partnership vision has gained buy in, financial support and labour resources from many local groups and land owners. School groups have been involved in clearing and planting. PD workers apply mulch to the plantings which has been really beneficial especially through the droughts. A spray programme is in place for the area to keep it maintained to a high standard.

The team from Fonterra are also supportive and have team building days doing planting and other maintenance. A board walk was built in a section of the riverbank and installed by clients from Waikeria with the Streamcare group supplying the materials. A public walkway has also been built alongside a section of the river with the support of the group.

The landowners who farm alongside the river have really appreciated the difference the work had made with less flooding, erosion, and improved water quality.

If funding is available this summer willow clearance will be undertaken on the last section of the riverbank ready for planting in the winter of 2015.

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