Waikato Funds

Waikato Biodiversity Forum – Regional Funds

The Waikato Biodiversity Forum coordinator is available to assist to apply for funding.

Funding Grants List


Covers social service groups participating in an environmental project that improves the well-being of the community.

Amount available

$1000-5000 (40 grants available)

Funding Rounds

Annually – September


Assist projects which foster and enhance the sustainable management of ecological resources in the Lake Taupo and Waikato River catchments

Amount available

Generally $5000 – $30,000, sometimes more

Funding Rounds

Annual, closing 31 March


Contact: President, Forest and Bird Protection Society, Provide funding to assist with conservation projects on legally protected land.
Waikato Branch
PO Box 11092,
Hillcrest, Hamilton

Amount available

Up to $6,000

Funding Rounds

All year round


Support, assist and promote charitable purposes particularly in the Waikato.
C B Cleland
PO Box 9495 , Hamilton
07 8382692

Amount available

from $1,000 – $2,000

Funding Rounds

March and September


Please contact info@waipadc.govt.nz

Amount available

Up to $3,000

Funding Rounds



To encourage or enable community self-reliance. Includes projects that help the well-being of people in community.

Amount available


Funding Rounds

Available Funds and dates vary.


This fund enables the purchase of materials, used in pest animal/ plant pest control.

Groups/individuals can now only receive SSCIF for a maximum of three consecutive years

Amount available

Up to $5,000

Funding Rounds

Open: 10 May 2023, 9:00 am
Close: 31 May 2023, 3:00 pm


This fund provides single or multi-year (up to 3 years) grants for projects which directly enhance and/or benefit the environment or provide environmental education.


Groups/individuals can now only receive EIF for a maximum of two consecutive years

Amount available

Up to $40,000

Funding Rounds

Open: 24 June 2024, 9:00 am
Close: 19 July 2024, 3:00 pm


This purpose of this fund is to help preserve and manage the natural heritage of the region – native plants and animals, threatened/significant ecosystems, outstanding landscapes and the natural character of waterways and the coast.

Amount available

Amount Varies

Funding Rounds

All year round – Opening again in 2024 (all funding currently allocated).


To help organisations carry out charitable, cultural, educational, recreational and other projects of benefit to the people of the Greater Waikato.

Amount available

$500 upwards – contact directly for more info.

Funding Rounds

February, June & September


Single-year Grant supports not-for-profit community organisations that support small community led projects that are aligned with Council plans and strategies and contribute to the social wellbeing of the city by delivering community wide services.

Amount available

Contestable Fund

Funding Rounds

10 February – 1 March 2019


Projects in the Waikato area that support education, environment and social well-being.

Amount available


Funding Rounds


Funds available not-for-profit organisations committed to delivering projects or initiatives that will enhance the lives of people in our community.

Amount available

Quick Response grants up to $15,000.
Community Support Grants from $15,000 and above.

Funding Rounds

Quick Response grants (Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug and Oct).
Community Support Grants (Mar, Jun and Sep).


It is envisaged that the fund be used to assist with physical works for heritage buildings, objects, natural vegetation, habitats, cultural or archaeological sites, whether the feature is in public or private ownership.

Amount available

Total of $70,000

Funding Rounds

June and December


The Trust administers and distributes a contestable fund to work towards the restoration and protection of the health and wellbeing of the Waikato River for present and future generations (this forms the Trust’s objective).

Amount available

The funding is divided into two categories with over $50,000 and under $50,000 projects

Funding Rounds

July -August 22nd, but check website. Can change annually


The South Waikato Environmental Initiatives (SWEI) committee is a unique group which distributes money each year to landowners in the South Waikato District who would like to undertake:

  • Native plantings around waterways
  • Native plantings in and around wetland areas

The SWEI committee provides money towards such projects at the following rate: $3.50 (plus GST) per plant

Amount available

30,000 in total

Funding Rounds

Annually – Closes February 1st


The Waikato District Council provides the Conservation Fund to assist private land owners undertaking conservation projects on their properties that are within the Waikato district boundaries.

Amount available

Funding Rounds

All year round


The Natural, Cultural and Built Heritage Grant provides funding for plans, reports and one-off projects that will protect, conserve and promote New Zealand’s natural, cultural and physical heritage and also support community organisations with resource consents costs.

Amount available


Funding Rounds

There are no funding round application dates – this means that applications can be made at any time during the year and funding is allocated on a first in basis.

E B Firth Charitable Trust


To support initiatives realating to NZ flora and fauna.


Amount available

Variable. Generally $2000.00 grants. 

Funding Rounds

Annually – closes 31 May.

Join the Forum

Any individual, community group or organisation interested and committed to protecting and restoring biodiversity can be a member of the Forum. It is free to join. You will get an invite to Forum events and receive information on biodiversity workshops, useful biodiversity information, access to other members for sharing knowledge and ideas and help with restoration projects. So contact us and become a member for no cost.